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Power cords Certification Search of World

2024-04-24 >>

SPT-1 SPT-2 SPT-3 SPT-1W SPT-2W SPT-2-R PVC Insulated Paraller Flexible Cords Rating:300V 60 ~105 Standard:UL62CSA-C22.2

2024-04-24 >>

Power cords are also called power supply cords or power cord sets, generally include plug, wire cable and terminal connector. It is used as a connection cord between electrical components or equipment and power supply. It is one of the most basic parts of electrical products and a necessary path for energy sources. If there is no power cord, the entire electrical equipment cannot be used. This shows the importance of the power cord. Commonly used power cords generally use a higher voltage (higher than 36v), which is dangerous. For safety reasons, the production power cord must be fully certified before it can be officially produced. Now all countries in the world basically have their own safety standards and certification systems. As a professional power cord manufacturer, we provide cord sets with CCEE standard and CCC certificate in China, UL standard and certification in the United States, C-UL or CSA certification in Canada, IRAM standard and approval in Argentina, VDE stand...

2024-04-12 >>

Terminals connectors name regulation

2024-03-16 >>

Flexible Cord Jacketing Designations

2024-03-16 >>

Halogen Free Appliance Cords and Cables

2024-03-16 >>

VDE CCC Harmonized Wire Coding System

2024-03-16 >>

International Standardized Appliance Connectors IEC 60320

2024-03-16 >>

NEMA Standards Publication UL NEMA Plug NEMA Power cord

2024-03-16 >>


2024-03-16 >>